Posts tagged warby parker
Reclaiming My Time & Regaining My Focus

Hi, my name is Evann and I am stressed as f*ck.

OK, OK...that may have been a tad bit on the dramatic side, but I've been sitting in front of my laptop for the past few hours trying to reformat this blog and I feel like an 83-year-old woman that just got an iPhone for Christmas (a.k.a. I'm so damn confused!).

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I Need More Time

There is not enough time in the day – or so it seems. Lately I've been feeling like I can't possibly accomplish everything I want in a mere 24 hours. Talk about impossible!

I'm sure there's a lot of you busy bees out there that feel the same way as me. But I have a sad revelation for y'all (read: us): what if we're just really bad at managing our time?

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How Many of Us Have Them?

Since I don't have sisters, I cherish my girlfriends like we came from the same womb. I know that I can confide in them, laugh with them, share my deepest secrets with them, and vice versa. I've learned so much about myself from them. They have taught me that just like with family, a friend's love should be unconditional. They've allowed me to open my mind to different perspectives and opinions, taught me about careers, life, love, and all that good stuff. And they're all still teaching me things to this day! Our bond is pretty tight. We're shutting down the idea that good girlfriends are hard to come by.

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Movin' On Up

I really think I'm the queen of switching jobs. In 2016 alone, I worked for four different companies. Which means I had four separate W-2 forms sent to my house. Why, Lawd? 

Now, I'm sure you're thinking, "You loved your new job, why are you leaving?" And you are correct...I did love working for Warby Parker, and I encourage anyone in the customer service or optical industry to consider them if you're looking for a new place to work, but I truly felt that this was my time to make some big things happen for myself.

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